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The Power of Peacekeeping

An Invitation to Awaken and Evolve Withing These Troubled Times

Despite moving into the newness of spring here in the northern hemisphere, where the darkness of winter gives way to the light, still we cannot ignore the fact that we find ourselves living in a world of darkness, uncertainty and rapid change. Each of our individual lives are impacted by global events that can weigh heavy on our fragile hearts and confused minds, already struggling in the wake of the Covid pandemic.

In times such as these - where war rages on, providing far-reaching implications for us all, no matter which continent we live on - things can seem quite overwhelming. However, there is still incredible value in life right now. There, in the silence, remains an invitation amongst the chaos for us to individually (and perhaps even collectively) awaken. We can awaken to our true spiritual nature, we can journey deeper within our minds, hearts and souls, and we can allow ourselves the opportunity for evolution, even in these times of great strife.

As we take this opportunity - ripe for the picking right now - to move deeper within and to rise above the noise, we will come to naturally find ourselves moving away from the incessant need to try and figure out the intricacies of world events, apportioning blame and judging motives, giving our energy to something inherently dark which is actually totally out of our own tiny hands. As we are called to realize how, when we give our energy to the endless debates, fear-mongering and mass hysteria, we inadvertently continue to unwittingly participate in the game of polarization by “taking sides”. Ironically, this polarization enables us to naively remain in separation and conflict with one another, as well as distracted from the root cause of the problem (which may perhaps have its origins far beyond what we can comprehend with our senses here on the ground). We are also called to become aware that the battle is also working through us if/when we take sides and polarize our thinking, via our very own shadow (which contains the unmetabolized, often shamed, aspects of our being).

Perhaps it would be wise for us to consider how there is nothing to learn from history because there never has been a “righteous” war. Under the guises of “patriotic duty” and “freedom fighting” war may be glorified, but when viewed from a higher consciousness we realize that almost all revolutions of the past were purposefully engineered to create more restricted and controlled order from the chaos, whether that be civil or international conflicts. From this higher consciousness perspective, we find ourselves invited to contemplate the theory that all sides are controlled, even if they don’t know it. In truth, the people on the ground (from the world leaders, to the soldiers in the trenches, and even the civilians taking sides) are used without them even knowing it. Punishing people for their actions or questionable leadership skills therefore won’t necessarily solve a thing. For, as Mahatma Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.”

We would be wise to question then, that if we keep punishing those we deem cruel, are we no better than the perpetrators we are condemning? And, what if they are simply playing the roles that they have been assigned to play in this lifetime; how much are they really permitted to choose?

From this transcended and yet fully grounded perspective, we can understand how staying neutral is of the utmost importance when it comes to dealing with things as non-violently as possible. Remaining on middle ground, where there are no sides as such, allows for everyone’s viewpoint to be acknowledged and heard, for borders to disappear and communication to be more effective, for relations to stabilize and conflicts to be resolved, for seeds of peace to be sown and healing to be had. Is this not what we all long for, ultimately?

Each individual has a unique mind, a unique set of life circumstances, a unique path of trauma connected to the past, a unique upbringing etc. We are all so very different, so who are we to judge another, when none of us likes the sting of being judged ourselves?

Can we, instead, hold space for everything to exist, for the darkness to be mirrored in sensitive and compassionate ways by the light, for grounded validation and integration to occur, for Truth to be explored with transparency, for answers aching to be found to emerge, and for peace-keeping to be honoured?  

Let’s take this chance to stop, to regain sovereignty of our hearts and minds and choose to peace-keep in the most effective of ways, here on our home turf. It starts with us; it is in fact an inside job! As we stop raging war against ourselves first and return to a state of balance and harmony within, then we can learn to peace-keep within our own families, within our own communities, within our own countries. If every man and woman did this, then imagine the incredible ripple effect of peace-keeping this would have on a global scale! Just imagine … yes, ignite the power of your imagination … allow this to ignite your passion for peace and, in turn, our compassion for each other …

So, you may not hold a physical weapon as such, but, stay mindful of the invisible weapons of words, of blame, of hatred, of judgments, of shame and of guilt, that anyone can unwittingly wield. Remember also, that your intention is everything. Do not be afraid of separating yourself from the crowd in order to better hear your own peaceful inner voice. In fact, you may well inadvertently inspire others to do the same. Tune out, to tune in.

It may also be an appropriate time to question how you are contributing to the overall energetic vibration of life in general today. Know that your words carry a weight of great importance here for they can uplift or annihilate, your thoughts carry frequencies which can harm or heal, your feelings and emotions are electrically charged with the power to motivate or devastate, and also with your actions you can create or destroy worlds  – you are far more powerful than you may actually realize. Choose wisely.

Choose with discernment what you give of yourself and your attention to today, and tomorrow, and the next day, into your future. You really can make a noticeable difference. You really can stop adding fuel to a fire which you now recognize only burns us all. Take responsibility for yourself and your own shadow aspects. Disengage from the invisible fight and set yourself free.

Remember, life is a cycle and it has its own rhythm and its own tune, inspired and guided by Nature. We cannot escape from the fact that death is an intrinsic part of life. We are all on this wheel of life, which cycles around to the doorway of death and onwards into a rebirth of life once again. We are all in this together, on the sacred and profound journey of Being Human. Death is but a strand woven into the fabric of life itself. So, let’s get busy living. Let’s make life count whilst we are here in this world. Let’s embrace the higher purpose of existence. Let’s reorient towards our abundance. Let’s allow gratitude to overflow from our hearts. Let’s be in this time together, until the very end. Let’s breathe and rejoice in All That We Are, before our departure (whenever that may be). Let’s live, let’s breathe, and let’s love…

You are remarkable.

Your energy has a purpose.

Your heart has a light that cannot be extinguished.

You have the power to peace-keep.

So simply, so effectively, to peace-keep and re-create this world.

It starts deep within yourself.

This makes you your own Leader.

This makes you a global peace-keeper.

For you are the kindness and the compassion that the world requires.

Let’s evolve … together.

Let’s peace-keep and be free.

Let’s be radiant defiant sparks that light the way through the dark.

The Power of Peacekeeping: Welcome
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